Friday, 9 November 2012

Greetings from Devon!

I know I said I probably wouldn't be posting for a few days as I am visiting my parents in Devon, but I dug out my old netbook, so here I am with an update!

My firework nails had a couple of tiny chips in, and being a picker they got pretty bad pretty fast! I removed them just now, they lasted 6 days, not bad at all! They were very hard work to remove though with all those layers of polish, top coat,glitter and more top coat! Worth it though, they were pretty <3

Anyway, my nails are all naked now, here is a (slightly blurry) picture of them -
They seem really strange without any pretties on them now! I have had a couple of Gin and Tonics this evening with my mum, so please excuse any over-enthusiasm ;)

My next nail art project is going to have a poppy theme ready for remembrance sunday, so I will do that tomorrow and take some pictures for you if it turns out ok :) I have been doing a bit of online research for inspiration, and was wandering how to acheive the look that I am going for without a proper dotting tool (on my wishlist...) when I came across someone online who suggested using the end of a bobby pin! Brilliant idea! I used the end of a make up brush for the fireworks, but it wasn't really accurate enough to do an intricate design on the smaller nails, so I will let you know how the bobby pin technique went tomorrow.

Blog you soon, S x

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